In Case You Missed It (Law)
Digest for Thursday December 29, 2022

Cover art for the podcast. An elephant in sunglasses.
Today's AI-Generated Podcast
Speed: 0.5x1x1.5x2x3x

Greetings, my name is David Colarusso. I'm the director of Suffolk University Law School's Legal Innovation & Technology (LIT) Lab. With one foot in law and the other in tech, I really want the open web to thrive, esp. #LawFedi. So I created a bot and this digest to help folks discover great law-themed content.

If you like what you see, consider joining Mastodon and following, the bot feeding this page content. You may also enjoy my Lab's April event on collaborating at scale.

FWIW, here are some law-flavored server suggestions: (1) (legal general interest); (2) (legal tech et al.); and (3) (legal academics).


Top Posts  

AI Summaries / Podcast Transcript

Today, we're exploring the latest developments in the world of law, travel, and science. ProPublica is reporting on a new and unproven method of criminal conviction, while the Elias Law Group is leading the Democratic Party's legal strategy against Republican election denialism. And finally, the travel industry is launching a pan-European sleeper train service that promises to revolutionize the way we travel. Stay tuned for more on these stories! And after the news, stick around for our paper of the day!

~ show summaries ~

Here AI is referencing a large language model tasked with summarizing 3 articles from Most-Shared Links and 1 paper from SSRN Roundup below.

Most-Shared Links

Here are yesterday's most-shared links from #Law/#LawFedi folks I follow.¹

  1. Police, Prosecutors Used Junk Science to Decide 911 Callers Were Liars — ProPublica (~14 shares)
  2. Why Marc Elias Wants to ‘Babysit’ the Republican Party - POLITICO (~6 shares)
  3. Arizona v. Mayorkas (SCOTUS) (~5 shares)
  4. Opinion | Jack Dorsey and the Dangers of Privacy At All Costs - The New York Times (~4 shares)
  5. Twitter rival Mastodon rejects funding to protect non-profit status (~4 shares)
  6. Pan-European sleeper train to sweep Britons to Berlin from May 2023 | Rail transport | The Guardian (~4 shares)
  7. Rebecca Tushnet's 43(B)log: Italy's #1 Brand of Pasta plausibly communicates geographic origin despite Barilla's argument it's just a TM (~4 shares)
  8. Tell the Senate: Say No to LaSalle (~3 shares)
  9. US11504623B2 - Method of creating a virtual game environment and interactive game system employing the method - Google Patents (~3 shares)
  10. Picker [as in randomly picking a name out of a hat] (~3 shares)

¹ Yesterday doesn't include the entire day as this page is created a few hours before mindnight.

SSRN Roundup

I keep an eye out for links to SSRN. Once I collect five, I share them. This is the most-recent bundle.²

² Depending on how much folks are sharing, there could be more or less than one bundle per day, this is just the most-recent one.


Mastodon is big on hashtags. Here's what folks I follow were using yesterday:


Mastodon is big on hashtags. Here's what folks I follow were using yesterday:


Of course, these insights are all thanks to a community of users, namely the folks I follow over at For fun, here's a look at their posting traffic yesterday. I like trying to create stories about the daily ups and downs. What is that bump? ;)

Plot of yesterday's posts